Wednesday, September 28, 2011

One Lovely Blog Award:)

                Happy Wednesday everyone!!!  I have just received a Lovely Blog Award from Uduak- Finally me:D. I've caught a cold, so this award made me feel healthier:)) Thank you, Uduak, for this award and for the inspiration your spicy and sassy style fills me with.
As tradition requires, here is what I'll do:
Link back to the person who gave me the award
Complete the form below
Tell seven random things about myself
Nominate 15 bloggers

Name your favorite color: Everything related to orange.
Name your favorite song : Melanie Fiona, Give it to me right.
Name your favorite dessert : White chocolate with peanuts:D
What pisses you off? : Pessimistic people.
When you are upset you: Dress in bright colours so I can get my happy mood back.
Your favorite pet: Lions (imaginary pet:)))
Black or white?: White is light.
Your biggest fear: Boredom.
Everyday attitude: Accomplish as many personal tasks as I can.
Your best feature: Waist. And bootie:))
What is perfection: Sun.
Guilty pleasure: Again, white chocolate with peanuts.

7 Random things about me:
1. I like stepping on rusty leaves.
2. I am a single child.
3. Astrology and numerology are two of my greatest passions.
4. I have an hourglass figure and I love it.
5. I get bored very quickly. Of everything.
6. I am a hell of an optimistic.
7. My favourite sport is contradicting the others.

         And the 15 winners are:
1. Qhule-
2. All day wear-
3. Veronica Popoiacu-
4. Vanja M.-
5. Liz-
6. Mystic Nymph-
9. Jessica Quirk-
10. Yara-
11. Diya-
12. Karla-
13. Silvia-
14. S and S-
15. Rachel da Paura-

Hope you enjoyed my post, and be sure you'll read another one in a few days. Have a great half of week and
Keep on Fire,
Andreea Hash

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hawaii time!

     The sand is so smooth under my feet, and I am so happy I lost my sandals. The navy blue paint on my nails looks marvelous dancing through the golden drops of sand. I could build an outfit starting from those colours...No, absolutely not!! I have to enjoy the moment.
     I'm here, all alone, what time is it...? Oh, who cares?! I know those girls in that bar dance a lot! They're wearing such cute skirts!! Colourful, flirty, summerish...Is it possible?? Hm...why not? I'm going to ask them. "Girls, where are we?""Aloha!! Welcome to Hawaii, blondie!:)" (my hair often looks blond under the sunlight). 
     Yes, I'm in Hawaii :D The air feels so much better, the heat is sweeter, life is amazing!! And the shines more...and more...and more! Why does it shine so much? I think I'm going blind. Oh, I'm not blind!! Or blond. Or in Hawaii. Yeah, I'm in my bed. September morning. Maybe next year:)))
 The current outfit's items are rather modified than made by Andreea Hash, except fot the headband and earrings. The dress used to be longer, and I only shortened it and made a special hem; the bag is from a second-hand store, it had a short white strap I replaced with a longer chain; and the green bracelet used to be brown, but I wrapped it into green thread. All in all, modifications.
 Dress- gift; headband and earrings- Andreea Hash; bracelets- New Look; ring- hair bow from Moa; 
belt - vintage; bag- second hand; shoes- Deichmann.
Thank you all for reading my blog and wish you the best fall ever!
See you soon and
Keep on Fire,
Andreea Hash

Friday, September 2, 2011

Moonlight on my shoulder

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Oscar Wilde

   Happy Friday everybody!!! To be honest, on the night of this photoshoot, I found my way by the streetlamps and missed the dawn- the moon was gently hidden behind clouds, and I went home as rain was about to come. But otherwise, Wilde's words apply often to myself.
     In these photos, I'm wearing a dress made by me, as well as the bag you know from here. Looking forward to knowing your opinions!! Meanwhile, I'm leaving town for a few days, and preparing at the same time three photoshoots I'll post soon, you'll love them!:D 
The dress goes like this:
1. You take a simple grey T-shirt;
2. You cut it on one side and make it 'shoulderless' (yes, I make up words);
3. You sew some flowers on it;
4. You wear it as a shirt for three years, and then get bored of it;
5. You decide to turn it into a dress, so you attach a skirt to it;
6. You wear it as a dress until new crazy ideas come up. 
Dress and bag- made by Andreea Hash; earrings- gift from Bf; belt- Takko; flats- New Yorker
See you soon, my beautiful readers, and
Keep on Fire,
Andreea Hash